Full Height double glazed

If you’re looking for a cat flap fitter to install a cat flap to a full height glazed door or window, then the only real option is to replace the entire double glazed sealed unit with a new one that has had a hole cut during manufacture. 

This can be completed in 2 short visits, one to measure the existing glass and one for the cat flap installation.

We can fit cat flaps to full height French patio, Bi-Folding and Sliding doors, whether they are composite, uPVC, aluminium or wooden construction of almost all types.

Get in touch today for a prompt and accurate quote.

Sliding doors

The clear standard cat flap for double glazing installations is typically thin enough to allow a sliding door to fully open without fouling the frame. A microchip cat flap, in most cases, won’t be suitable for a sliding door as it can stop the sliding doors from opening the required amount, but this will depend on the size and number of doors in your sliding set.

If you have been told it is not possible to fit a cat flap as your  sliding glass doors, get in contact today to see how we can help.

half height double glazed upvc door/window

If you’re lucky enough to have a half height uPVC framed door or window, that is currently glazed in the lower section, then you have a couple of options when it comes to fitting a cat flap.

The first is to replace the lower double glazed sealed unit with an insulated and re-enforced uPVC panel. These are just as secure and thermally efficient as double glazing, but you’ll lose a little bit of light once this is fitted. The plus side is the cost, since it is much cheaper than glass and can be done in one short visit, because we stock all the materials required.

If you would prefer to keep the lower half as glass, then like full height glazed doors, we can get this done in 2 short visits and match any obscuring pattern as required.

narrow glazing conversions

If you have a narrow glazed area where you would ideally like your cat flap installed, then we have solutions for most installation scenarios. Provided the visible glass is at least 200mm wide then we will be able to carry out a conversion to allow a cat flap to be fitted, and it may be cheaper than you think.

By using a specifically designed glazing bar we are able to install a shorter double glazed sealed unit above a small section of uPVC panel. 

In some instances it will be possible to remain within tolerance by utilising a square hole, so you can retain glass from top to bottom.

If you have been told it is not possible to fit a cat flap as your glass is too narrow, get in contact today to see how we can help.

Which cat flap do you recommend for glass installs?

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Clear Cat Flap Glass

Hands down the best standard 4 way locking cat flap to be fitted for glazing installations is the Catwalk Clear cat flap. 

This polycarbonate flap, which self lines for glazing from 3mm up to 32mm is suitable for all sized domestic cats and small dogs and these can be fitted to sliding patio doors, without fouling the frame.

It has an excellent draught seal, manual 4 way lock and is UV stabilised for durability. 

If you’ve no need for microchip recognition, then this is just simply the best glass fitting cat flap on the market. These also come in two larger sizes for intermediate dogs, such as Cockapoos and medium sized dogs like cocker Spaniels, Beagles etc.

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Sureflap Narrow Glass

If you do require a microchip recognition cat flap to keep out strays and neighbouring cats, then the Sureflap Microchip cat flap will work with your cats existing microchip, and is easily programmed by the push of a button. 

It has a 4 way manually operated lock, and with a clear battery low indicator, there is no fear of locking your cats out when the batteries run out.

Although the draught seal around the flap is not the best, it’s easily the most reliable and well designed microchip cat flap available.

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Sureflap Dual Scan Connect Glass

For owners of multiple cats, especially those with kittens, the Sureflap Dual Scan and Connect models offer great benefits.

These have selective exit as well as entry. This is great if you need to keep a your kitten or an ill cat in, whilst the other cats are free to come and go as they please.

The Dual Scan has the manual 4 way lock and low battery indicator, the same as the Sureflap Microchip Cat Flap. Whereas the Connect version also benefits from a smart phone app for remote locking, notifications and programmable curfew modes from anywhere that you have internet access on your phone!

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Large Sureflap Pet Door Glass

For those of you with larger cats, or even small dogs up to 10kg or 34cm to the shoulder, requiring microchip recognition, the Sureflap Pet Door if packed with features.

It works with your pet’s existing unique microchip number for selective entry, has a 4 way manual lock as well as a a timed curfew mode to keeps pets in at night if required.

The sturdy construction and dual catch design, mean this is robust enough to withstand even the largest domestic cats and most enthusiastic small dog breeds using it day in and day out.


As most double glazing will be toughened, it is not possible to cut the glass without the entire piece shattering into tiny pieces. Also within the sealed unit itself is either a vacuum or an inert gas, as well as desiccants to absorb moisture. Breaking the seal in any way will ruin the sealed unit, allowing condensation to build within it.

So a new double glazed unit will be required that has had a hole cut prior to toughened and sealed within the factory during manufacture.

At the moment the replacement clear toughened sealed units are taking approximately 8 working days to manufacture from when I have visited and received a £100 deposit to allow me to order the glass. Manufacturing times can vary so why not Give Us A Call to find out the latest information.

Yes! We have solutions for almost all narrow double glazing. Provided the width of the visible glass is at least 200mm we have a solution to install a cat flap. Please get in touch to see how we can help.

Just Cat Flaps, cat flap in wall, wall cat flap, microchip cat flap eastbourne, eastbourne cat flap fitted, cat flap fitter, cat flap fitted, wall mounted cat flap, wall cat flap installer, microchip cat flap, how to fit a cat flap through a wall, handyman to fit cat flap, ben cat flap fitter, petsafe, locking staywell cat flap, catflaps, pet doors, petdoors, petdoor, dog door, doggie door, remove cat flap, narrow glass cat flap, double glazing cat flap, glass cat flapJust Cat Flaps, cat flap in wall, wall cat flap, microchip cat flap eastbourne, eastbourne cat flap fitted, cat flap fitter, cat flap fitted, wall mounted cat flap, wall cat flap installer, microchip cat flap, how to fit a cat flap through a wall, handyman to fit cat flap, ben cat flap fitter, petsafe, locking staywell cat flap, catflaps, pet doors, petdoors, petdoor, dog door, doggie door, remove cat flap, narrow glass cat flap, double glazing cat flap, glass cat flap

Short answer, Yes it can! …But you may be limited only to a clear standard cat flap depending on the type and size of your sliding door set. On larger multiple leaf sliding sets it may be possible to install a microchip cat flap to your sliding doors whilst allowing them still to open the required amount. Contact us today to see how we can help.


We have worked hard with our suppliers to be able to offer cat flap installation into laminated glass sealed units. The process involves sending the laminate glass off to be cut by a special water jet, so it takes a little longer than standard toughened glass, but if you want to retain laminate glass as part of your installation we can help! If you’ve been told laminate glass is not an option for cat flap installation, think again! Think Just Cat Flaps! We have fitted dozens of laminated glass cat flap this year alone.